SAB Comparativo Clássico - 2(duas) Licenças para um 1(ano) de uso

Descrição e Termos:

The SAB Comparative System is applied in general for evaluation of Real Estates by the comparative method through the application of the Statistical Inference with the use of lineal regression. In the acquisition of a license of use of the software the buyer will receive a distance training course with the demonstration from all your functionalities.
For appropriate application of this is fundamental that the user has some familiarity with basic concepts of applied Statistical Inference in the Engineering of Evaluations.

To install the SAB program you need the Windows operating system.

In the acquisition of a license of use of the software the buyer will receive a training course the distance with the demonstration from all your functionalities.

Investimento: $ 148.00
(o pagamento pode ser realizado por cartão de crédito em até 12X)
